Singing Time.

So as most of you know, I work for an insurance agency. My boss Dan was the chairman of Big-I Day here in Sacramento this year and there about 800-900 people in attendance this year. Since I am not an actual agent, and just a receptionist for the office I didn't know a lot of the questions people asked me at the convention. There were around 100 vendors at this event and you just walk around and learn more about their company and what they offer for the insurance world. Did I mention I got 2 HUGE bags full of free stuff! Pens, paper weights, giant letter openers (which I LOVE for the office!!)  footballs, beach balls, calculators, cell phone holders, magnets. Seriously the list goes on and on. Just a bunch of random junk that is fun for the office and I brought a lot of it home to hand out to nieces and nephews and Cameron:) At each vendor table you can put your business card in to win their prizes. People mostly had gift-cards but there were some i-pads and i-pods and tons of neat gadgets however you had to be present to win, and we didn't want to wait there for 2 more hours. Lunch was also served, they gave out a couple insurance awards, and they had a raffle for a lot of different prizes and gift cards and a political comic spoke to us which was very entertaining.
Well Dan asked me a little over a month ago if I would sing the National Anthem for Big-I Day. I was more than happy to. In this picture, you can see the person in the lower left hand corner holding my camera. I had her record it, however the button didn't get pushed down all the way so it was not recorded. Here is the only picture I have from the event... While I was at this event, Cameron was home sick. He has had the stomach flu for a couple days and I stayed home from work today with it as well... Not very fun:( Keep us in your prayers to get better and stay better...


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We were recently married on August 21, 2010 We started this blog as more of a journal for us to look back at all the good times. No matter what life brings us we are in this together and we couldn't be more happy about it. We are better together.
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